They say there are five stages of grief and that there is no order in how a person navigates a certain loss. For me, grief has always been a journey that never ends, and I don’t know if…
Pain \peyn\ n. 3a. Physical or bodily suffering; a continuous, strongly unpleasant or agonizing sensation in the body, such as arises from illness, injury, harmful physical contact, etc. –Oxford English Dictionary (2024) My origin story begins with…
The first time my white neighbor called the police it was during the renovation of our historic house in the deed-restricted neighborhood where we live. This is my…
Therapy is the supportive process of accompanying one’s journey of transcendence from darkness to light to darkness again, ultimately landing somewhere in the middle. Therapy is an experience…
I saw The Notebook musical on Broadway during a Full Moon in Scorpio. Yes, I am an astrology nerd and this Full Moon in Scorpio matters because Scorpio…
Naomi smiled when she received Amir’s note to ask her out during History class because it confirmed her beliefs—that she was different and special, destined…